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Government Agencies

Over the years Government agencies at every level be it local, state, provincial and international around the world are facing the ever-demanding challenges of the 21st century public service. Government bodies have managed to match their private sector counterparts, by developing PC and server-based infrastructure. Although the systems have successfully served particular functions and requirements, there is a need to communicate with other departments within or between ministries.

Considering the growing workload. Responding demands for instant access to public records and keeping those records secure and accessible for the future pose significant challenges.

Your Challenges

Government bodies to a large extent today rely on human intervention to manage the unnecessary collection of information and the cross reference between hard copy and soft copy of documents, which increases cost and introduces delays and errors.

As a user’s responsibilities or the legislative regime governing use change, the current system poses a significant challenge in adapting to the change without interrupting day-to-day operations. This unavoidable situation leads to information stored and duplicated across ministries, departments and agencies resulting in almost 80% of the data, unmanaged and stored in unstructured systems.

Our Solution

Irrespective to the application environment and the process structure, DBSentry document management solution enhances flexibility, responsiveness and efficiency of the ministries and agencies of the government, by digitizing paper and electronic documents, linking them to appropriate records and making them accessible with a single click from the record managers and Users.
DBSentry document management solution will give the Government record employees the ability to capture, manage and access valuable document based information, regardless of ministerial, departmental, or geographical origin.

DBSentry’s sophisticated yet user-friendly solutions help you remove the silos of documents and create a single repository that facilitates the creation, retrieval and archival of word-processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, photos, forms, images, and email messages.

With DBSentry solutions Government agencies can realize:

  • Instant and secured access to information regardless of Ministerial, Departmental and Geographic origin
  • Adherence to evolving legal and policy requirements
  • Adaptability without disruptions in day to day operations
  • Cost-effective capture and management of information in any format
  • Support of document life cycle from creation to distribution, storage and archival
  • Relevant information available in timely fashion
  • Integration with legacy systems without record or document management capabilities

DBSentry product suite comprises of the best of breed enterprise and integrated document management software, which redefine paperless environment for organization as well as justify their investment in technology.

Find out more about DBSentry Document Management Suite.


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